(310) 488-8989 megregister@icloud.com

Painful Intercourse

my new E-Book Coming Soon!

Painful Intercourse:

Successfully Treating Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, and Dyspareunia with Hypnosis and EFT Tapping. A Hypnotherapist and Her Clients Show you How To Overcome It In 28-Days.

Just relax, loosen up, have a glass of wine, take a bubble bath, use lots of lube, and just get on with it!

 Have you stopped having intercourse? Chances are, you or someone you love is struggling (probably silently!) with this frustrating, disappointing, and embarrassing condition. Pain during Intercourse, gynecological exams, insertion of tampons, and even painful insertion of your pinky finger isn’t normal, but you’re not alone.

There are two main types of vaginismus (painful intercourse). Primary-This is when a woman has had pain every time something entered her vagina, including a penis. Secondary-This is when a woman has had intercourse without pain before, but then it becomes impossible because of emotional, sexual abuse, or an injury to the vagina such as rape, radiation, or surgery.

The year was 2010, and I couldn’t find any help. My radiologist didn’t warn me that Vaginismus (painful intercourse) could happen to me when he radiated my pelvic region for cancer at 38 years old. It is hard to believe that the head gynecologist at my hospital in Los Angeles didn’t know what Vaginismus was, much less how to treat it.

Despite being a common condition, 1 out of 6 women have painful intercourse, also known as Vaginismus, Dyspareunia, or Vulvodynia. It is rarely discussed and often misunderstood. I’m writing this ebook for you because I sincerely hope you and women worldwide can access new pathways for relief from this lonely battle and find new possibilities for deep connection and fulfillment with yourself and your beloved.

In this e-book, I will guide you through the story of how my clients and I used my 28-day treatment plan that I developed using EFT Tapping and hypnosis for our own rapid healing and personal liberation from painful intercourse.